
Share Your Annie’s Project Story

We would like to hear your Annie’s Stories!

Stories are a powerful way to share the success that Annie’s Project has experienced during the past 20 years. Please take a few moments to complete a short form to share your story or nominate someone who has been impacted by

Annie’s Project.

Sharing Your Annie’s Project Story – Participants/Alumni

Sharing Your Annie’s Project Story – Facilitators and Educators

Sharing Your Annie’s Project Story – Stakeholders

Know someone who has a great Annie’s Project story? Nominate them!

Do you know women who would like to participate in Annie’s Project?

Winter 2024 classes will be announced soon!

In the meantime, complete an Annie’s Project interest profile at: z.umn.edu/AnniesInterest or email University of Minnesota Extension educators

Annie’s Project facilitators in your area:

Carver, Scott, & Annie’s Project state co-coordinator:

Polk, Norman and Northern MN:

Stearns, Benton, Morrison, Sherburne:

Rice, Steele and South Central MN:

Fillmore, Houston and Southeast MN:

Pine, Isanti and East Central:

Todd County:

Annie’s Project State Program Co-coordinators:

Didn’t find what you need? Please check back or e-mail us to be added to a list of course requests. We will contact you when a class in your area is scheduled. Thank you for your interest in Annie’s Project in Minnesota.