Annie’s Project Courses

Annie’s Project 101– The original 18-hour risk management training course. The course covers all 5 areas of risk management – financial, human resource, legal, market, and production. Topics or emphases may vary as the content is localized to meet the needs of women farmers, ranchers and growers across the country, including rural and urban areas.

Managing for Today and Tomorrow –  It can be challenging to create a transition plan for a farm, ranch, or growing operation to continue as a productive agricultural business. In this multi-session course, women will develop these skills as well as develop networks. Participants will learn how the areas of succession, business, estate, and retirement planning join together to create a transition plan.

Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options – This 12-hour course focuses on financial risk. Participants take a deeper dive into financial literacy, develop a better understanding of their numbers, develop and utilize financial statements, and make better decisions to manage risk in their growing, farming, and ranching operations.