Podcasts and Webinars


April 2022 – Grants: click here to watch – I heard it through the grapevine that there might be money available to assist with my farming operation. Grants? Loans? Where do I go? How do I apply? What is the difference between a grant and a loan?



March 24, 2022: click here to watch – Join us in the Annie’s virtual Coffee Shop to celebrate National Ag Week & Women’s History Month – A great opportunity to meet some of the Board members and learn about their passion for the Project. You will also learn about how Annie’s Project got started from Founder, Ruth Hambleton.

May 24, 2022: click here to watchAnnie’s Project Strategic Priorities – A great opportunity to meet some of the Board members and learn about their passion for the Project. Plus get some great insight into Annie’s Project’s current Strategic Priorities. Get your questions about Annie’s answered and learn more about the visionary Annie’s Project that has been empowering women in agriculture for 19 years.

October 28, 2022: click here to watchIn the Beginning- The Genesis of Annie’s Project



Profitability Speaking – Episode 1
Profitability Speaking – Episode 2
Profitability Speaking – Episode 3
Profitability Speaking – Episode 4
Profitability Speaking – Episode 5
Profitability Speaking – Episode 6
Profitability Speaking – Episode 7
Profitability Speaking – Episode 8
Profitability Speaking – Episode 9
Profitability Speaking – Episode 10
Profitability Speaking – Episode 11
Profitability Speaking – Episode 12


Grief and Loss in Agriculture:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/9004395926370993420
Tensions of Farm Succession:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/816365820128425741
Benchmarking and Financial Analysis:  https://youtu.be/5olIibcRNX8
Pricing for Profit: https://youtu.be/Vo77FXb9nYc
Record Keeping: https://youtu.be/NQZ9964r_yg
Who are Your Winners and Losers?: https://youtu.be/LxsTo38NlWM
The Hard Conversations about Farm Succession: https://youtu.be/xfT6JHjHxBc
Managing for a Margin Squeeze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLR4h0VjrME

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